Syneidis S.L.

We’re a secure alternative to WeTransfer so that company can comply with GDPR (EU new data protection law)



RoundMyCoin es la nueva forma de ahorrar.

Con nuestra app guardas el cambio del redondeo de los pagos que realices con tus tarjetas de crédito o débito, o con el móvil. Así no tendrás que preocuparte por hacerlo tu.

Con lo que ahorres puedes hacer envíos de dinero instantáneos in-app a tus amigos, para pagar tu parte de la cena por ejemplo.

Además con nuestro gestor de gastos personalizable sabrás en todo momento cuanto llevas gastado y te avisará mediante notificaciones.

Damos soporte a la mayoría de bancos de la red española por lo que no dejamos a nadie fuera. Nos da igual si eres de La Caixa o si te gusta más Caja Rural.

Por otro lado nos convertimos en B2B2C fintech al ofrecer a los bancos una manera de llegar mejor a sus clientes, ya que analizamos los datos de cada usuario para recomendarle que producto es más adecuado


Vaultoro’s vision is to develop the world’s largest and most transparent provable full reserve asset based banking solution.

Enabling anyone in the world too easily and secure digital and physical assets like gold, silver and bitcoin without a bank speculating with their deposits.

Vaultoro builds technical solutions that make spending physical gold as bitcoin, Euro or any other currency.

The startup prides themselves on bridging the gap between the traditional physical bullion industry and the blockchain revolution that has been heralded as one of the most important inventions in computer science since the internet itself.


All4Sec, SL

Phishing attacks are a business challenge: (i) they are highly dynamic, unpredictable and come from multiple of channels; (ii) reaction takes long time.

OutPhish sets up an anti-phishing simulation platform for user awareness campaigns in a freemium and licensed SaaS model with support, maintenance and training services for recognising possible attacks.

It competes against north-american awareness platforms.

An off-line prototype is available, and its UPS is to make C-Levels to understand that cybersecurity awareness reduces corporate risks and provides indicators of success rates of simulated attacks.